GCC-STAT Hosts Workshop on General Energy Balance

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The Gulf Cooperation Council Statistical Center hosted over three consecutive days a workshop on the general energy balance in the Gulf Cooperation Council with the participation of national GCC statistic centers and representatives from Oil & Gas Ministries.

The workshop aims at to enhance the understanding of international standards in the energy statistics sector. The workshop also aims at explaining the link between energy data sets and the preparation of the energy balance; in addition to exchanging knowledge and promoting cooperation between energy statistics producers.
The workshop discussed on its first day Crude oil & Petroleum sub-sector in addition to providing practical exercises for attendees and concluded with the discussion of Natural Gas sub-sector with practical exercises on the topic.The Workshop resumed on its second day with sessions on the electricity sub-sector and other energy sub sectors such as coal, and renewable energy. The workshop will conclude on the 16th of June with discussion on the general energy balance.

